Frameworks explained
Currently; public sector procurement is governed by the UK regulations that implement the EU procurement directives. These apply to the majority of procurements with a total value over a specified threshold. Procurements which are below threshold are not covered by the UK regulations, but are still subject to EU Treaty principles.
These principles create the need for a supplier to understand and adhere to these practices, which in turn have an effect on a typical sales process/cycle. Non-compliant agreements carry a risk of termination which would include “rescinding” the agreement with the obligation to reimburse the contractor all costs associated with the agreement including procurement of a new solution.
“Frameworks” have become the accepted method for providing procurement protection through the introduction of agreements tendered under EU Legislation with clearly defined objectives for value, product, support and quality of service.

Who can use a Framework contract?
Any UK public sector contracting authority, as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, or any service provider acting on its behalf, can use our framework agreements. This includes central government, health, local government, devolved administration, education, not for profit and other wider public sector organisations.
As defined by our inclusive framework partners and those we supply under; Central Government and wider public sector including central government departments and their agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs), NHS bodies (including; acute trusts, ambulance trusts, primary care trusts (now CCG – Clinical Commissioning Groups), care trusts, NHS hospital trusts, strategic health authorities, mental health trusts, special health authorities), Local Authorities, Police Authorities, Emergency Services, Educational Establishments (including Schools, Universities, Academies, Colleges of Further Education), charities and Registered Social Landlords.
Framework Partners
Crescent Purchasing Consortium
An EU compliant framework for Multifunctional Devices and Associated Print Services and Supplies reference CPC/DU/MFD/02A (hereafter the framework). It is a proactive, best value, collaborative framework that can deliver your entire office printing and print service needs. The Framework is open for use by all Public Sector contracting authorities.
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Crown Commercial Services
Multifunctional Devices, Managed Print and Content Services and Records and Information Management.
This 7-lot agreement covers equipment and services for printing, scanning, copying and storage. It includes multifunctional devices (MFDs) and print-management software, plus managed print services, scanning services, workflow integration and consultancy.

London Procurement Partnership
Is a framework of suitably experienced, capable, qualified and resourced suppliers available for use by NHS trusts, foundation trusts, clinical commissioning groups, GP federations and other health and social care providers within the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, as well as local authorities and other third sector organisations.
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National Education Printer Agreement
This agreement is intended to provide a full document print equipment supply with related services and peripherals. Included in this remit is office document print hardware, multi-functional devices, print production hardware, print management solutions and additional peripheral hardware to enable fulfilment of managed print services.
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Scottish Procurement Directorate
Aims to deliver a wide range of benefits to the people of Scotland via access to a variety of pre-approved, pre-tendered framework agreements, improved value for money for taxpayers, improved goods and services for all citizens and economic opportunities for Scotland.
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